Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Escape from LA


So here we are again. Another January is upon us and it's time to head off to another round of cinematic excitement at the Sundance Film Festival. With the WGA work stoppage still going strong after a full ten weeks, it's high time to escape the confines of LA and the "studio system" to catch up on filmic fare of a more independent flavor. As with last year, I'm going to be blogging on a regular basis from the festival, using cutting edge technology (aka mobile email) to magically beam postings to the world in near real time. Yes, it'll be Sundance like you've never seen it before. If you think this is exciting... well.. it really isn't, but it sounds cool and I'm all about spin. But, suffice it to say it's going to be worth your while to continually check back here over the next few days for myriad new waxations as I depart for the Fest at the ungodly hour of something like 4:30am tomorrow morning. The Festival itself goes into full swing starting tomorrow evening and runs through the 27th.

See you bright and early tomorrow morning.

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