Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Playing paparazzi

Park City

I purposefully took this afternoon off. Probably should have spent it sleeping, but I didn't. Some of the afternoon was spent meeting up with various friends who are also at this year's fest. But mostly I went and shot off a lot of film (both real and digital). Yeah... you knew it was coming :) I've actually been very focused in my time at the fest and haven't brought any kind of camera gear with me. Instead, I’ve opted to just watch films and enjoy the experience of being at the fest without feeling obligated to photographically capture everything around me. So… today I decided that I’d take a good chunk of my afternoon and shoot. However, I probably shot about half of the stuff that I wanted to because I got waylaid by a big, private screening. I was walking up Main around 3:30p this afternoon and discovered they were in the midst of setting up crowd control and a red carpet for some random event. So I hung out for a bit and ultimately convinced the head of event security that I was a member of the press, thus granting me access to the event and the “photographer area” along side the red carpet. Most of the random celebrities that showed up weren’t terribly interesting. However, I now have some rather nice pictures of Cuba Gooding Junior and Matthew Lillard. I then spent the rest of the afternoon taking pictures of icicles.

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