Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Needs some polish


Bajo Jaurez – When you’re already seeing one film about the rampant crime in Jaurez, Mexico, why not see another? This morning it was a fictionalized portrayal of the sex trade. This evening it was a documentary that follows unsolved and highly publicized crimes against women in the same city. Focusing mainly on young women and girls who are kidnapped, raped and killed, this doc takes serious risks in subject matter, but ultimately fails to do much more than ask a lot of questions without giving any answers. Certainly there are a lot of women being killed. Yes, the Mexican government appears to be covering things up. But do we really have any idea what has been happening in Juarez over the past 13 years? Doesn’t look like it. While I appreciate the fact that the filmmakers took huge risks in bringing this story to a mainstream audience, it doesn’t seem like they really sought answers to their own questions. Why are women disappearing? Is the government covering things up? What hard evidence exists? If none can be found, why not? And ultimately, what can be done to affect a change? Beats me. All I can tell you is that there’s some really nasty stuff happening in Mexico that has a lot of people freaked out. And if you’re not going to answer any of the questions you raise, at least learn how to 1) focus the camera, 2) hold the camera steady and 3) expose correctly so things aren’t incredibly washed out and 4) hire a company that can create subtitles that don’t look like they were made on some kid’s circa 1985 Amiga computer.

Should you see this film? It’s worth checking out as a means to educate yourself about the evils of Juarez, Mexico. Beyond that, there are better things to do with your time.

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