Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Deafening roar


Just got out of a screening for Hear and Now, a great documentary about a 65-year-old deaf couple who decide to get cochlear implants and how their new ability to hear sounds affects their life and relationships. I desperately need to sleep since I’m again jumping out of bed at 5:30a to wait in line for day-of-show tickets, so I’ll be writing more tomorrow on the film. For now, we’ll just say that it’s definitely a film to see. It was shepherded by HBO Documentaries, so it’ll likely get some play on HBO at some point in the near future.

So... the rundown on films for the day:
Waitress – Best film I’ve seen so far at Sundance and easily one of the better films I’ve seen in a long while. You must see this.
Noise – Avoid like the plague.
Hear and Now – Check this out if you have the opportunity.

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